Mildenhall Naturist Swimming Club uses your information for club administration. In exceptional circumstance where necessary for safeguarding and law enforcement purposes we may share your information with British Naturism, other naturist organisations, the safeguarding authorities, and law enforcement as appropriate. We check names against the British Naturism referral list.
We keep membership information for up to two years after membership ceases. We also keep visitor information for up to two years after the visit takes place. We keep routine visitor and membership correspondence for up to a year. In exceptional circumstances we may need to keep information for longer.
You can not be a member or a visitor, unless you provide at least your name, address, and identification. You can request deletion of your information but deletion of required information will terminate your membership. Required information will be archived for safeguarding and legal purposes. Complaints can be made to us or if unsatisfied to the Information Commissioners Office.