About the club

We are a Naturist swimming club based in Suffolk (UK). The club was founded in 2002 and was originally called Mildenhall Naturist Swimming Club.

We are very friendly, sociable and welcoming of new visitors and members.

The club has a constitution that broadly follows the advice, and much of the wording, recommended by the Charity Commission for the constitution of a charitable association. Constitutions are always horribly boring documents but they are important to provide valuable protection against things going wrong. It does fit comfortably onto two sides of A4. This constitution was adopted at the first Annual General Meeting held on 5 October 2002 and includes subsequent amendments with the latest on 25 November 2018. A copy is available to download here.

Our swims are now mainly at Bury St Edmunds Leisure Centre but we have used other locations such as Newmarket and Ely. We also organise events from time to time such as day visits to Cambridge Outdoor Club. On many occasions club members are invited to meet up at a local pub for something to eat and drink.

For Bury St Edmunds pool directions are here. To find the pool at Newmarket then you can follow directions from this map.

If you would like to join us at a swim then please get in touch – details here.